Like i said in my "about me" part, Ive just recently married the Wonderful Rick Frost. I decided that since im the new Mrs. Frost id put up some of my wedding pictures for you all to enjoy. Oh ya, and dont forget to comment! I hope you like them. I know i do!
hi! i'm not sure if you'll remember me or not...allison {strebeck} good 'ol girls camp days, mesa jr. etc. anyways i ran into your blog.
congrats on the wedding...your dress is awesome and you look so beautiful!
When are you gonna update your blog sis. I've seen your wedding pictures a million times.
Oh sis.....Im on here now. Come look. Ive never even seen your wedding pictures!
Tiera! Holy cow I totally found you! You're wonderful and these pictures are gorgeous! Anyway, I'll talk to you soon I'm sure! (Check out my blog thingy too!)
You are stinkin' beautiful! Congrats!
Just wanted to say hi again! See you at church tomorrow! :) Love ya' hottie!
"You..are...so...Beautiful.......(higher register) TOOO MEEEE!"
I'm so glad you posted these pictures! You're gorgeous!
T! Update some pictures so I can see them!
Tiera! I did not know that you blog. { although it has been three months since your last post.} YAY. I'm happy to have found you. I think I sent you mine... I know I invited you. so check your email more.
Tiera! Hey girl, I found you on Cassie's blog, who I found from Kemra's blog... you have to stop by and check out my blog! We're all a bunch a freakin bloggers! You look gorgeous in your wedding photos. AMAZING! You look happy! xoxo
I love your dress! It's beautiful. It's an Allyses Bridal/Beautifully Modest Dress! I used to work for the company! Gorgeous. I love your pictures. You two are adorable. Congrats.
you were the best thing that has happened to my brother and your the best.
Tiera you are so beautiful! I miss your face!
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