Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So this is the other thing that takes up all my time, Connor Micheal Boyd! I have been his nanny for over 4 months now and i just love him! Isnt he a cutie pie?

This one Leah, Connor's mom, took of us asleep.

This one is of Connor and his mommy! : )

These next one's are from a recent trip to Minnesota to visit family.

This one Leah, Connor's mom, took of us asleep.

This one is of Connor and his mommy! : )

These next one's are from a recent trip to Minnesota to visit family.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This is mine and ricks little baby Roo! We got him back in July. K let me first start off by saying we dont like cats but for some odd reason we just feel in love with him! He is such a turd!!! He is very, very spastic and clumsy, he must get that from me! He is also very stuburn and determand to get what he wants, he for sure gets that from Rick! Anyways, we love him, even though hes the devil some times, and cant live without him! : )

So i guess you are all wondering what i have been up to. Well, this is one of the many things! :) Im taking a ceramics class at MCC and i love it! These are pictures of my final project in hand building. We had to make a 16 inch something and that was the only requirement so this is what i came up with. it took three days of class to do but i like the results and apparently so did my teacher cause i got an underlined A+! : )
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Twilight Cast
Edward and Bella

So these are just some random photos i found on my moms comp. The first is me and Andra playing with the camera in the car. She my favorite Andra! : ) Sorry Andrea i was looking for one of me and you too but i guess i dont have like any!! Second is on the campout that me and Rick met. I Love this picture! Its weird to think that i didnt know i was going to marry him then. Third is me and Karisa playing around back in the day. She always makes my day when i see her and yes one day i will be thin like that again!! Lastly is a pic of me in front of the temple. i just happen to like this picture and once again i will be that thin again!!! : )
Whats going on as of 7/27
Hey!! I know its about time!!!Well i thought i would write on here and tell y'all what is up. Hmmm... where to start?! Ok lets first start off by talking about my dear husband. Well, Rick has been working at the Radisson Hotel in Fountain Hills as a Chef!!! He decided a few months back that he wanted to go to school for Culinary Arts. He then decided to get a new job in that field and here we are! I have had an awful summer! Besides the fact that ive been hanging out with my most favorite Andra and Andrea i have been screwed at everything else i have tried to do!!! I hate the economy!! Noboby is hiring and with rick going back to school we took a 9 dollar an hour pay cut so ya it stinks! Anyways its starting to look up because i have been offered a job to watch the cutest 4 month old baby boy full time so i decided that i will most likely not go back to work at the school and be a full time nanny!! : ) This little boy is so stinkin cute and i swear like the best baby ever!! Ive already been watching him for the past few weeks for a few days a week so ive already got his routine down and everything. In Aug i will be starting a ceramics class at MCC. Im pretty excited for it, I did it in High School and i really liked it. Lets see, what else? Oh Rick and I are going camping this weekend, the only type of vaca. we can afford! Its Ricks families annual camping trip. I think its going to be super fun! Im really excited! And last but not least my sister Cassie and her wonderful family are offically in New Jersey!! They keep sending us pictures and it looks so pretty there. I miss them but i know that its were theyre surpost to be so im just enjoying the pictures and the stories! : ) If your reading this cass i love you and miss you guys!! Tell the boys i said Hi and i love them too! : ) Ok well thats it for now, I need to head home and go to bed. Bye! : )
Monday, June 9, 2008
http://www.greatestjournal.com/quiz.bml?Q=16354"> size=+1>You Are Ariel!
Ha Ha im the same as my sis!

Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that' s a center>
<>Which'>http://www.greatestjournal.com/quiz.bml?Q=16354">Which Disney Princess Are You?
Ha Ha im the same as my sis!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Our Valentines trip in Sedona
Rick suprised me with a trip to Sedona for Valentines. So this is the trip. It was so Beautiful there!!! We had a total blast!! I absolutly Love my husband, hes so much fun!!!: )
This was one of the other suprises Rick had for me!
2 person Jacuzzi in our hotel room!!!!!

In fort of some more mountains... Its weird, there everywhere!!
This was one of the other suprises Rick had for me!
2 person Jacuzzi in our hotel room!!!!!
Rick looking all studly in front of the mountains! Look its "Snoopy Mountain" on the right!
Me in front of some mountains.
In fort of some more mountains... Its weird, there everywhere!!
These statues are everywhere but this guy was my favorite!!
Some of the many pictures we have of beautiful Sedona......
This is Ricks favorite. Its definently going up in our home!
We saw this house on a show called "What' s with that house?!" or something like that. We saw it driving up there and freaked out and then had to take a picture! Its sooo ugly!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Well, i decided i better get on this thing and update it, now that EVERYBODY has yelled at me for it being so old! Not much has changed since my last post. I did start back to work at Mesa High working with the Special Ed. E.D. kids. There are days when it can be quite hard but I love it. I love the feeling of going home and feeling like i helped make someones life just a little better today. We still live in a cute little house, that i love, in the Historical District over by the Mesa Temple. I love seeing the Temple everyday driving to and from my house and also being able to walk there! Speaking of, one of my best friends ( April Williams) just got married at the begining of january. She was so beautiful! I had so much fun helping her through out the day and being able to do her hair. :) Hmmm........ Lets see, what else is up? Rick was having some work issues cause of the whole economy plumiting crap! He drives a concrete truck for those who dont know. Anyways, we have definently been blessed these last few months and i can tell you my faith has grown so much stronger!! Now, his job is starting to pick up and i got a second job nannying ( is that how you spell that? ) for a few hours after i get out of work/school and the kids get out of school. So were doin pretty good. :) Were starting to plan what we are going to do for our one year anniversary. I cant believe its already been almost a year! Time seems to be flying by so fast. We have been throwing ideas in the air and decided we want to try to go to San Fransisco were Rick served his mission, but the only way we can afford it is if we get a big refund on our taxes. So we'll see, but we need a new bed first. Anyways, im starting to ramble on so i guess ill get going. Bye! :)
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