Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Family holiday photo shoot!

Well, here our new family pictures... I hope you enjoy....
Our sweet Son!!

I love to see the Temple..

What a cutie pie!

I love his little face!

Someone is not happy!

Sweet baby!

One of my favorites!

Hes laughing in this one...:)

Ya that leaf fell in his hand! it was awesome!

Food break

THe sun was in our eyes, enough said...





Liz and Spencer Harring said...

Hey Tiera!! These are soo cute!! I am so happy for you guys! Kids make things some how so much better (yes stressful) but the way you look at life totally changes! I hope i get to see you while we are down tehre for Thanksgving either at the my shower or something! Love ya!

Cassie & Family said...

i love these photos of u guys u look so cute.